This is my first post here at Chuck's KAL. It doesn't seem to be the most active KAL in the world, but I guess the Chuckies aren't the fastest knitting project in the world either.. I cast on about a week ago, and this is how far I've got.

I knew they would be a lot of work when I started, but I didn't think it would be THIS complicated. It's not that the pattern is really difficult, it's just that it takes so much time to move the two yarns around. I know there is a way to do this faster, but at this point, I haven't figured it out...
Still love the socks, though! I wanted to knit them in very bright and contrasting colors, so I chose white as the contrast color and a bright pink/purple-ish variegated yarn as the background color. I really like the way they look. The white yarn is a little bit thicker than the pink one, and that seems to work out great, because the cables are really "popping" out.
Now I'm just waiting to get to the heel flap.. Hopefully that will be a little less complicated...
Once again, a big Hi there to all of you, and I hope I can see more pictures of your work here soon.